About Us
Our understanding of the specificity of the business environment the client lives in and of the main features of its industry are crucial in achieving the effect sought by the client.
We are friends.
We are dealmakers.
We believe there is a market for legal services provided by lawyers with a strong academic background who can find imaginative solutions to complex problems. And it’s not just sophisticated clients, but a wide range of clients facing the complexities of today’s world.
We believe that the didactic exercise is useful not only to better understand the fundamentals of legal institutions, but also to be able to explain more clearly certain legislative solutions.
We believe that school is not only a necessity to mark an educational path, but a laboratory where innovative ideas can be debated and take root.
We believe that academia must also offer more for business by disseminating research results.
We believe that the debate of ideas based on critical thinking is the way out of the identity crisis we are in.
Based on these beliefs we have tried to build a team with a solid academic background that can think outside the box. In these times when artificial intelligence claims that it can automate all repetitive processes, we believe that creative thinking may remain the only bastion of our humanity.

The Romanian Academy awarded Professor Dr. Radu Rizoiu “Simion Bărnuțiu” Award – Legal Sciences for his monograph on “Civil guarantees”.
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Professor Dr. Radu Rizoiu participated as a speaker at the fourth edition of the NATIONAL BANKING LAW FORUM, with the theme “The disruptive impact of emerging technologies on the banking system”.
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Issue 2/2022 of the Romanian Journal of Private Law appeared – “The future of research in private law” – and Mihaela Gherghe is among the co-authors with the article entitled “The finality of final provisions or the impact of boilerplate clauses on the contract”.
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Radu Rizoiu published the second volume of the case-law books: Hypothecs over movable assets. This volume is dedicated to Legal characters of the hypothecs over movable assets. Commented jurisprudence with references to the New Civil Code and it was published by Universul Juridic in July 2012.
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Radu Rizoiu published the first volume of the case-law books: Hypothecs over movable assets. This volume is dedicated to The priority of the State Treasury and it was published by Universul Juridic on March 2012.
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Radu Rizoiu, Lucian Poenaru and Raluca Zatropa authored the Romanian-English business law dictionary, published at Monitorul Oficial on March 2012.
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“Radu Rizoiu is a well respected practitioner in the market. “He’s a great guy,” one rival partner says.” IFLR1000
“Radu Rizoiu is considered a promising up-and-comer by the market”, Chambers Europe Banking & Finance, 2011.
Radu Rizoiu was included in the second edition of Best Lawyers in Romania in the practice areas of Banking and Finance and Corporate, 2012.